
Photovoltaic Systems: The Ministry has extended the application deadline

With regard to the current energy crisis, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has extended the receipt of applications for support from the Photovoltaic Systems with/without Accumulation programme (National Recovery Plan) until the new deadline of 30 November 2022. At the same time, the allocation has been increased by CZK 2 billion.

The programme focuses on the installation of photovoltaic panels on business buildings including shelters (e.g. for cars, construction equipment, material storage, etc.) with installed capacity from 1 kWp to 1 MWp, inclusive. The support is also intended for electrical energy storage. The produced energy can be used or fed into the grid. The projects can be implemented on the whole territory of the Czech Republic, including Prague.

The subsidy can be applied for by small, medium, large enterprises or self-employed persons. The support rate varies according to the applicant’s size and the type of project – from 35% to 50%.

Modernisation Fund – RES+, HEAT

Support for the installation of new photovoltaic power plants (PPP) with a capacity of up to 1 MWp and more than 1 MWp can currently be obtained under the RES+ Modernisation Fund programme.

This programme focuses on the installation of ground and rooftop PPP with no power limit, including storage. Again, the produced energy can be used or fed into the grid. The maximum support rate is 50% (maximum unit costs are set).

Receipt of applications depends on PPPs’ capacity:

  • PPP of up to 1 MWp: until 15 March 2023
  • PPP of more than 1 MWp: until 31 October 2022

Currently, it is possible to receive a subsidy from the Modernisation Fund for the reconstruction or replacement of a heat source in the heat energy supply systems (HESS) under the HEAT programme. Eligible activities include e.g.: transition to renewable energy sources (except for PPP), energy recovery from waste in combination with CHP (combined heat and power), energy recovery from waste heat, transition to natural gas.

Applicants of all sizes from the whole territory of the Czech Republic, including Prague may apply for a subsidy within this programme. Recipients of subsidy must be HESS owners under Act no. 458/2000 Coll. The support rate ranges from 30% to 80% and its amount depends on the type of project, the technology, the size of the applicant and the region of the project implementation. The deadline for receipt of applications is 30 June 2023.

The ENERG ETS call supporting saving measures in the area of energy consumption and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in industry in the UE ETS is expected to be launched in September by the Modernisation Fund.

We will keep you informed about the announcement and conditions of this as well as other calls.

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