
Updated list of tariff suspensions and quotas

The latest update of the list of tariff suspensions and quotas entered into force on 1 July 2022. Their purpose is to allow companies in the EU to import raw materials, semi-finished products, parts and possibly also machines that are not available on the EU market with a reduced or zero tariff. Businesses can thus significantly reduce their customs expenses for imported materials needed for production.

The list of suspensions and quotas is periodically updated twice a year. Currently, the lists of suspensions and quotas include hundreds of items and are regularly expanded. Suspensions can be used by all importers regardless of whether the suspension had been approved in response to their application. Similarly, the quota may be used by any importer on a first-come, first-served basis, qualifying for a reduced or zero duty. It is therefore recommended to conduct a regular review of whether an existing suspension or quota could be used for the import of your products.

Additionally, when it is identified that a suspension or a quota was in force at the time of a now completed import, the discount may be applied retroactively. In other words, it is possible to recover the duty already paid.

If the goods imported by you are not in the current lists of suspensions and quotas, it is possible to independently apply for a suspension or a quota for the given goods under certain conditions.

How can we help you?

Our customs specialists provide the following services:

  • advisory;
  • assistance with the preparation of tariff suspension or quota applications;
  • review of the possibility of retroactive use of tariff suspensions and quotas already in place; and
  • assistance with the preparation of an application for the refund of customs duties already paid in the event that an opportunity to reclaim an existing suspension or quota is identified, as well as assistance in negotiations with the customs administration on this issue.

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