
List of nationals with free access to the labour market from 1 July 2024

The Amendment to Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on Employment, brings, among other things, an interesting modification concerning foreigners’ free access to the labour market. Thanks to the Amendment, the extension of Paragraph 98 of the Employment Act, under the new letter “u”, broadening the right of free access to the labour market for other employees from third countries, comes into force on 1 July.

Now, nationals from a specific list of nations may be employed without a work permit. Currently, the list includes Canada, the USA, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, and New Zealand. This list is being prepared by the Government by means of a decree following its discussion in The Council of Economic and Social Agreement of the Czech Republic and with regard to the current situation in the labour market. And the current situation on the labour market – specifically the lack of highly qualified workers – is the reason for the extension of free access to the labour market. If the situation changes and the labour market becomes saturated, the list of states might be reduced by a new decree again.

In practice, this means that foreigners coming from one of the states on the list do not need a typical work permit or a dual employee card to be employed in the Czech Republic. For example, they are not obliged to present a vacancy announcement, which at least partly eases the administration of the whole process and, simultaneously, partly speeds up the whole foreigner employment process.

However, to comprehend the upcoming situation right, we must be aware that a residence permit will still be required and entering the labour market itself without a residence permit makes working in the country impossible. Thus, nationals with free access to the labour market may gain a residence title in the form of a non-dual employee card.

Employees Immigration Employment of Foreigners

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